Pop Proposal practice

Pop Magazine:

Purpose: The purpose of this magazine is too help fans learn more about this popular genre,  including, more about the artists as well and gig events. This magazine aims to get fans involved and tell them of any news.

Genre: The genre is going to be pop, as it is a common and well known brand of music, which means the magazine is serving to larger target audience, the genre also has a lot of artists that vary the way they present music, which can interact with readers in different ways.

Target audience: the primary target audience is going to be teenagers aged between 13-21 most likely female; as they'll be the most likely to be listening to this genre of music a lot. The secondary target audience will older people between 25-40 who have an interest in the genre of music. no demographic or ethnicity targeted, spending power is for people who can spend from £3.99 to £5.99 a month.

Content: in the magazine there will be: gossip, news, gig events, reviews,  interviews, posters and competitions.

Form: the magazine will come from recycling paper, as well online using a subscription service. In paper it will be a4 paper as it is the perfect size to carry and be able to read, online version will be able to see in any viewing.

Distribution: Distribution will be through news agents, stores and online, it will be distributed once a month for £3.99 or if subscriptions online for it will be £3.99 or £5.99 to get the magazine a week earlier. it will be available in north London in paper but available anywhere online, knowledge of distribution will come from social media (website, twitter, Facebook)

Colour scheme: with the colours it needs to stand out, it will generally compose of light colours but won't mix a lot of colours in the pages.    

Layout: interviews will be played out vertically. Title will be big and stand out but won't be over the top.
In the picture is what our primary target audience would look like: female, aged 13-21.

Secondary target audience, will be older people aged 25-40.
